October 5, 2017

Haunted House Party

Haunted House Party
Year: 1991
Catalog #: SCD-4963
Length: 60 Minutes
Tracks: 1
MP3 Information
Bit Rate: 320kbps CBR (Stereo)
File Size: 142MB
Lossless Information
Bit Rate: 1411kbps
Type: Tracks (FLAC)
File Size: 240MB

Well finally found an album that doesn't have annoying music on it. SOUNDS! I scanned the cover and forgot to color correct the orange. As you might know scanners have a hard time scanning orange and so a few corrections in Photoshop is needed to change it. So the scanned covers in the zip files look red instead of the original cover which was orange. The correct color cover is up above so if you want to nab it to add the album artwork. It's in 1500x1500 resolution. Enjoy!

1. Haunted House - Night In A Graveyard

1 comment:

siys said...

The audio here does not match the actual CD. I wonder how that happened and what the audio truly is?